We all have dreams and aspirations – things we want to achieve or experiences we want to have in life. But how do we turn these dreams into reality? How do we find the motivation to work towards them? 

In his book “Destiny of Choice“, Nitin presents an equation that can help us understand the key factors that drive motivation: “Perceived benefit of fulfilling the dream – What one needs to do to fulfil the dream = Motivation”. In this article, we will explore this equation in more detail and see how it can help us take control of our destinies.

The Perceived Benefit of Fulfilling the Dream:

Perceived Benefit of Fulfilling the Dream

The first component of the equation is the perceived benefit of fulfilling the dream. This refers to the positive outcome or reward we envision as a result of achieving our goal. The “why” behind our actions is the driving force that propels us towards our aspirations. For example, if our dream is to start a business, the perceived benefit could be financial independence, the ability to work on our terms, and the satisfaction of creating something of our own.

What One Needs to Do to Fulfill the Dream:

The second component of the equation is the action or effort required to fulfil the dream. This refers to the “how” of achieving our goal, and the steps we need to take to make it a reality. It includes developing the skills and resources necessary, understanding the obstacles and challenges that may arise, and creating a plan to overcome them. For example, if our dream is to start a business, the steps we need to take may include researching the market, creating a business plan, and seeking funding.

The Motivation Equation:

When these two components are combined, the equation becomes: “Perceived benefit of fulfilling the dream – What one needs to do to fulfil the dream = Motivation”. In simpler terms, the more significant the perceived benefit of fulfilling the dream is and the less effort required to achieve it, the higher the motivation will be. The opposite is also true. The lower the perceived benefit and the higher the effort required, the lower the motivation.

How to Use the Equation:

The equation can be used to evaluate and adjust our goals and dreams. If we find ourselves lacking motivation towards a particular dream or goal, it could be because the perceived benefit of fulfilling that dream does not outweigh the effort required to achieve it. In such cases, it may be necessary to re-evaluate the goal and see if it aligns with our values and priorities or if it can be modified to make it more meaningful and worthwhile.

On the other hand, if we find ourselves highly motivated towards a goal, it could be because the perceived benefit of fulfilling it is high and the effort required to achieve it is relatively low. In these cases, taking action and planning to achieve the goal may be necessary while also being mindful of potential obstacles.

The equation also highlights the importance of understanding our values and priorities when setting goals and dreams. For example, if our priority is to have a healthy work-life balance, it may not be worth sacrificing that for a high-paying job with long hours. In such cases, adjusting our career goals to align with our values and priorities may be necessary.

Practical applications of the Motivation equation

  1. Starting a business: Perceived benefit: financial freedom and being your boss. One needs to research the market, create a business plan, and secure funding. Motivation: the perceived benefit of financial freedom and being your boss minus the effort and challenges of researching, planning, and securing funding.
  2. Losing weight: Perceived benefit: improved health and self-confidence. What one needs to do: exercise regularly and change diet. Motivation: the perceived benefit of improved health and self-confidence minus the effort and challenges of regular exercise and changing diet.
  3. Learning a new language: Perceived benefit: career advancement and cultural enrichment. One needs to attend classes, practice speaking, and immerse oneself in the culture. Motivation: the perceived benefit of career advancement and cultural enrichment minus the effort and challenges of attending classes, practising, and immersing oneself in the culture.
  4. Getting a degree: Perceived benefit: better job opportunities and higher income. What one needs to do: attend classes, study, and complete assignments. Motivation: the perceived benefit of better job opportunities and higher income minus the effort and challenges of attending classes, studying, and completing assignments.
  5. Building a long-lasting relationship: Perceived benefit: companionship, love, and support. One needs to find a partner, communicate effectively, and work through challenges. Motivation: the perceived benefit of companionship, love, and support minus the effort and challenges of finding a partner, communicating effectively, and working through challenges.

What are the different ways to increase the perceived benefits of fulfilling the dream?

  1. Highlighting the positive outcomes or benefits that will come from achieving the goal.
  2. Focusing on the journey towards the goal and the benefits that come from taking action.
  3. Creating a clear and compelling vision for the future.
  4. Continuing to do the small things that make you happy
  5. Setting smaller, more achievable goals that can be accomplished along the way to the ultimate goal.
  6. Building a sense of accountability by sharing the goal with others and enlisting their support.
  7. Celebrating small wins and progress towards the goal.
  8. Reminding oneself of the positive impact that achieving the goal will have on one’s life and the lives of others.
  9. Positive affirmations, visualisation, and other mental tools help increase the perceived benefits of fulfilling the dream.
  10. Setting a deadline for the goal and creating a sense of urgency to achieve it.
  11. Finding a role model or mentor who has already achieved similar goals and learning from their experience.


In conclusion, the equation “Perceived benefit of fulfilling the dream – What one needs to do to fulfil the dream = Motivation” is a powerful tool that can be used to evaluate and adjust our goals and dreams. It highlights the importance of understanding our values and priorities and ensuring that our goals align with them. The book “Destiny of Choice” by Nitin delves deeper into this concept and provides readers with the tools and knowledge to take control of their destinies and make the most of their choices. If you’re looking to understand better how to achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life, be sure to give it a read.