
Destiny Of Choice

A self help guide based on events from a true love story….

Destiny of Choice is a story about...





On one hand, Destiny of Choice is a tale of romance and its tragic challenges.
On the other hand, it is an incredibly powerful manual for living a happy life.
The events in the story Remind us that while we run after happiness and success, based on notions derived from motivational literature and spiritual philosophies, life is happening within us and all around us.

Preview of Destiny of Choice

Externally I had been on the brink of tears, but internally I was already pouring my eyes out

It is really important to notice the beautiful things around us, especially during difficult times. This makes you realize...

I twitch my hand in nervous anticipation, wondering what he was about to tell me next.

There emanated within me an indescribable feeling of happiness. Pure, unadulterated happiness

As if human beings ever know who is the right person to marry.

She looks at me, her lips twitching as if to say something, but she purses them and sighs.​

We, as humans, cannot know everything. The sooner you’re at peace with that, the better it will be for you.

It was almost as if the Universe took over and decided to shake my beliefs and turn my life upside down…

Boredom is a very useful skill, if applied correctly. One can always get bored of one’s problems.

I found myself weighed down by the dark clouds of sadness and helplessness. It felt as if time had stopped for me.

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About Author


CEO – ICHARS, Director – ICHARS Support Foundation A trainer, therapist, life coach, motivational and inspirational speaker. Over the last decade, Nitin has trained over 1000 professionals including 400+ coaches and 600+ psychotherapists. As a therapist, trainer and coach, he has touched over 50000 minds. He is now working towards improving the quality of available mental healthcare.

Why This Book?

Welcome to the captivating world of “Destiny of Choice,” a thought-provoking masterpiece that transcends genres and explores the profound complexities of human existence. This book delves deep into the realms of fate, free will, and the intricate tapestry of life, leaving readers spellbound and contemplating the very essence of their own choices.

A Riveting Exploration of Fate and Free Will:
“Destiny of Choice” challenges the age-old dichotomy between destiny and personal agency. With meticulous prose and a compelling narrative, the author skillfully navigates the blurred lines between these two forces, guiding readers on a journey that will make them question the nature of their own decisions.

Engaging Characters with Profound Journeys:
The characters within “Destiny of Choice” are more than mere words on paper; they are embodiments of human struggle and triumph. As they grapple with their own destinies, readers will find themselves immersed in their stories, feeling every heartbeat and sharing every emotion.

Thoughtful Reflections on Life’s Pathways:
The pages of this book are imbued with insightful musings that will stay with readers long after they’ve turned the final page. “Destiny of Choice” encourages

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The events in the story Remind us that while we run after happiness and success, based on notions derived from motivational literature and spiritual philosophies, life is happening within us and all around us.

destiny of choice cover image