What is visualization?

Visualisation is a powerful tool that can help us achieve our goals and make our dreams a reality. It involves creating mental images of our desired outcome and has positively impacted motivation and goal achievement. In the framework outlined in ‘Destiny of Choice’, visualisation is seen as an important step in the process of achieving our dreams.

But visualisation is not a magic solution. It must be used correctly to be effective. In this article, we will explore the dangers of overly positive visualisation and offer tips for using visualisation effectively to achieve our goals.

The dangers of overly positive visualization


It is natural to want to visualise our desired outcome in the most positive light possible. But if we are not careful, this can lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment when things don’t go as planned.

The gap between expected and actual reality can be significant, and it can be difficult to handle the disappointment when things don’t turn out as we imagined. This is especially true if we have spent a lot of time visualising a specific outcome and have not prepared ourselves for the possibility of things not turning out as we hoped.

For example, let’s say you dream of starting your own business. You might visualise yourself running a successful company, making a lot of money, and receiving accolades from your peers. While these are all wonderful things to aim for, you must also consider the potential challenges and setbacks you may face along the way. By incorporating negative visualisation into your practice (that is, visualising potential challenges and how you will overcome them), you can better prepare yourself for the realities of entrepreneurship and increase your chances of success.

In addition, overly positive visualisation can create a temptation to stay in a make-believe reality instead of working towards creating opportunities in the real world. This can be especially harmful if we are not taking action towards our goals and are instead relying solely on visualisation to bring them to fruition.

Tips for effective visualization

A case study from ‘Destiny of Choice’

In “Destiny of Choice,” the protagonist uses visualisation as a key part of his strategy for achieving his dream of being with Misba. He first visualises the outcome of being with her, picturing the two of them happily married and living a fulfilling life together.

However, he also realises that simply visualising the outcome is not enough. He needs to take action to make his dream a reality. He visualises the steps he needs to take to get closer to Misba, including building a relationship with Misba and earning her trust.

He uses visualisation to stay responsive rather than reactive by focusing on the process. This means that he doesn’t get discouraged when things don’t go as planned but instead adapts his visualisation and action plan to suit the changing circumstances. This helps him stay focused on his goal and ultimately leads to success.


In conclusion, visualisation is an extremely powerful tool in the process of achieving our goals. When used effectively, it can bring clarity to our objectives and help keep our motivation high. However, it is important to be mindful of how we use visualisation and to avoid falling into the trap of overly positive visualisation. 

By being mindful and realistic in our approach, we can use visualisation to enhance motivation and bring clarity to the goal-setting process. By considering all aspects of our lives and using a holistic approach, we can increase our chances of success and live more fulfilling and meaningful life.

If you want to learn more about visualisation and how it helped Nitin in his quest, pick up a copy of ‘Destiny of Choice’ today.