Goals are essential to our lives, as they give us a sense of direction and purpose. They guide our actions and decision-making, and we set both conscious and unconscious goals. However, there are potential pitfalls to goal setting that we must be aware of in order to achieve our dreams. In this article, we will explore some of these challenges and provide insights on how to overcome them to achieve our goals.

Key takeaways about Goal Setting from Destiny of Choice

Goal Setting

Aligning Conscious and Unconscious Goals

One of the key challenges in goal setting is ensuring that our conscious goals align with our unconscious goals. Our unconscious goals are formed based on our past experiences, beliefs, and values, and they can be in conflict with our conscious goals. For example, someone who wants to start their own business, but has an unconscious goal of maintaining security and stability, may be hesitant to take the necessary risks to start their own business, leading to a lack of progress towards their goal.

It is important to become aware of our unconscious goals and to align them with our conscious goals to overcome this challenge. One way to do this is by reflecting on our past experiences, beliefs, and values and questioning whether they are serving us or holding us back. It can also be helpful to work with a therapist or coach to gain insight into our unconscious goals and develop strategies to align them with our conscious goals.

The Pitfalls of Positive Visualization

Another issue that can arise in goal setting is the danger of overly positive visualization. Creating an alternate reality in our minds of how perfect our lives will be once we accomplish our goals can create unrealistic expectations. This can lead us to focus more on visualizing our goals rather than taking the necessary actions to achieve them. Additionally, when we experience this alternate reality in our minds, it can create intense positive feelings that are not sustainable in our everyday lives. This can make it difficult for us to return to the real world and take the steps needed to accomplish our goals.

To avoid this pitfall, it is important to set realistic goals and focus on the steps we need to take to achieve them. Rather than visualizing the end result, it can be more beneficial to focus on the process of achieving our goals. Additionally, it can be helpful to set small and achievable goals rather than focusing on one big goal, as this can make the process of achieving our goals more manageable and less overwhelming.

The Importance of Realistic Goals

To avoid disappointment and frustration, it is important to set realistic goals. This means setting goals that are both motivating and achievable. For example, setting a goal to become a millionaire overnight is unrealistic, as it is not within our control to achieve this level of success in such a short period. On the other hand, setting a goal to save a certain amount of money each month is more realistic and achievable. Setting realistic goals makes us more likely to progress towards our objectives and experience a sense of accomplishment.

To set realistic goals, it can be helpful to break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. Additionally, involving others in the goal-setting process can be beneficial, as they can provide valuable feedback and help us stay accountable and motivated.

Effort and Conscious Planning

Effort and Conscious Planning

In addition to setting realistic goals, it is important to actively work towards achieving them. This requires effort and conscious planning, as opportunities do not simply come knocking on our doors. We must create our opportunities by taking the necessary actions and making conscious decisions to move closer to our goals. Simply visualizing our goals or engaging in positive thinking is not enough to achieve success.

To achieve our goals, we need to have a clear plan of action and take consistent, deliberate steps towards them. This means identifying the specific actions we need to take and breaking them down into smaller tasks, setting a schedule for completing them, and holding ourselves accountable for progress. Additionally, it’s important to be flexible and adapt our plans as needed, as sometimes unforeseen obstacles may arise.

Another important aspect of achieving our goals is self-discipline. This means controlling our impulses and resisting distractions that can pull us away from our goals. One way to develop self-discipline is by setting up a routine and sticking to it, which can help train our brains to focus on what’s important. Additionally, mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga can help to improve our ability to stay focused and disciplined.

Examples of successful goal setting:

  1. A student who wants to improve their grade in a particular subject can set a goal to study for one hour every day and to seek help from their teacher if they do not understand any concept.
  2. A person who wants to lose weight can set a goal to exercise for 30 minutes daily and eat a healthy diet.
  3. A professional who wants to be promoted can set a goal to take on additional responsibilities, network with colleagues and superiors, and seek professional development opportunities.

Destiny of Choice and Goal setting

In the book “Destiny of Choice”, multiple events and conversations provide a lot of clarity on the topic of Goal Setting and its pitfalls. Some of these include:

  1. Nitin’s experience with setting and achieving goals in his personal and professional life
  2. Nitin’s conversation with his student about the importance of acknowledging and understanding one’s dreams
  3. Nitin’s realization that his current knowledge and skills were not enough to achieve his goal of finding Misba and his decision to learn and try new things
  4. Nitin’s experience with visualization and its limitations
  5. Nitin’s understanding of the concept of conscious and unconscious goals and the importance of aligning them
  6. Nitin’s struggles in achieving his goal of getting Misba out of house arrest and the importance of prioritizing goals
  7. Nitin’s journey of self-discovery and understanding the role of relationships in achieving one’s goals
  8. Nitin’s realization of the importance of behavioural flexibility in achieving one’s goals
  9. Nitin’s conversation with Misba’s father about the importance of patience and perseverance in achieving one’s goals.


In conclusion, goal setting can be a challenging process. Still, we can increase our chances of success by being aware of the potential pitfalls and taking the necessary steps to overcome them.

The key takeaways from the book “Destiny of Choice” by Nitin Shah are that it is important to align our conscious and unconscious goals, set realistic and achievable goals, focus on the process rather than the end result, actively work towards achieving our goals and include effort and conscious planning.

If you want to learn more about how to set and achieve your goals, read “Destiny of Choice” by Nitin Shah. The book delves deeper into goal-setting challenges and provides practical solutions to overcome them. Don’t let your goals be just a dream. Take action and make them a reality. Get your copy of “Destiny of Choice” today!