The role of creativity in achieving success is a topic that has garnered much attention in recent years, and for a good reason. According to the book “Destiny of Choice,” creativity and innovative thinking are crucial to achieving success in any area of life. This is because creativity allows us to come up with new and unique ideas that can help us solve problems, overcome challenges, and achieve our goals.

But what exactly is creativity, and how can we harness it to achieve success?

In this article, we will explore these questions and provide a detailed overview of the role of creativity in achieving success based on the insights from the book “Destiny of Choice.”

Define Creativity


Creativity can be defined as the ability to generate new and original ideas. This can involve finding creative solutions to problems, developing new products or services, and creating art or literature.

Essentially, creativity involves using your imagination and innovative thinking to come up with something new and useful. But while creativity may seem like a natural talent that some people are born with, the book “Destiny of Choice” suggests that it is actually a skill that can be developed and enhanced over time.

The Role of the Conscious Mind in Creativity

The conscious mind plays an important role in the creative process by setting goals and identifying the resources needed to achieve them. This involves developing a clear and specific vision of what you want to achieve and then breaking it down into smaller, more manageable goals that you can work towards. The conscious mind is also responsible for planning and taking action towards achieving these goals. This includes making informed and strategic decisions, being open to trying new things and having behavioural flexibility.

Creative Problem-Solving and Finding Innovative Solutions

Creative thinking is essential for overcoming challenges and achieving goals. Techniques such as brainstorming and lateral thinking can be used to generate new and creative ideas, while experimentation and prototyping can help test and refine these ideas. Individuals and organisations can develop innovative solutions and achieve their goals by using a creative and open-minded approach to problem-solving.

The Role of the Unconscious Mind in Creativity

Unconscious Mind in Creativity

While the conscious mind is important for setting goals and taking action, the unconscious mind is a powerful source of creativity and inspiration. According to the book “Destiny of Choice”, the unconscious mind plays a key role in aligning conscious goals with unconscious ones. This involves accepting certain goals and values at an unconscious level, which then drives our behaviours and actions more naturally and automatically. Our beliefs and values, which are a part of our unconscious, can either enhance or hinder our creativity.

How to tap into the Unconscious Mind to Enhance Creativity and Inspiration

Tapping into the unconscious mind can be a powerful way to enhance creativity and inspiration. Here are some techniques to help you access the unconscious mind and tap into its vast potential:

  1. Meditation and mindfulness practices: These techniques can help quiet the busy, chatter of the conscious mind and allow the unconscious mind to come to the forefront. This can provide greater access to the wealth of information and inspiration stored within the unconscious mind.
  2. Self-hypnosis: Self-hypnosis involves inducing a state of focused concentration in which the conscious mind is quieted, and the unconscious mind is more receptive to suggestion. This can be a powerful tool for accessing the unconscious mind and finding creative solutions to problems.
  3. Visualisation and N-step reframing: These techniques involve creating mental images or reinterpreting a situation in a new way to access the unconscious mind and find creative solutions.
  4. Working with dreams: The unconscious mind is often more active and expressive during sleep, and dreams can be a powerful source of inspiration and insight. Before going to sleep, you can suggest to your unconscious mind to help you understand the steps you need to take to resolve a current challenge or achieve a desired outcome. Keeping a dream diary and interpreting the meaning of your dreams can also help access the unconscious mind.
  5. Free writing and stream-of-consciousness writing: Allowing your thoughts to flow freely onto the page without judgment or censorship can help uncover hidden insights and ideas.
  6. Sensory activities: Engaging in activities stimulating the senses, such as listening to music, drawing, or taking a sensory walk, can help spark creativity and inspiration.

Barriers to Creativity

However, the book also notes that there are often barriers to creativity that can hinder our ability to achieve success. These barriers may be internal (such as negative beliefs or a fixed mindset) or external (such as a lack of resources or support). By being aware of these barriers and overcoming them, we can increase our chances of achieving success through creativity.

Embracing Creativity and New Ideas as a Mindset

In order to fully embrace creativity and new ideas, it is important to adopt a growth mindset. This means viewing challenges and failures as opportunities for learning and growth rather than fixed limitations. An openness characterises a growth mindset to new ideas and approaches and a willingness to take risks and embrace failure. It is also fueled by curiosity and exploration, which can help foster creativity and innovation.

In addition to overcoming these barriers, embracing continuous learning and personal growth is important to foster creativity. This involves staying open to new ideas and approaches, seeking diverse perspectives, and being willing to try new things.


In conclusion, the book “Destiny of Choice” emphasises the importance of creativity and innovative thinking in achieving success in any area of life. It suggests that creativity is not just a natural talent but a skill that can be developed and enhanced over time. The conscious mind plays a crucial role in setting goals, identifying resources and taking action, while the unconscious mind is a powerful source of creativity and inspiration. Techniques such as meditation, self-hypnosis, visualisation, and working with dreams can be used to tap into the unconscious mind and enhance creativity and inspiration. The book provides a detailed and insightful look at the role of creativity in achieving success and provides practical strategies for developing and harnessing this vital skill. If you are looking for ways to unlock your creative potential and achieve success, I highly recommend reading “Destiny of Choice.”